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E.g. when I plan my holiday I want to create a (master) list "prepare holiday" with sublists (documents, clothes, medicine, etc....) and task items in those sublists.

Ronny , 18.01.2013, 10:26
Response from the site administrator
vofka, 18.01.2013
Please use hierarchy feature for this purpose.
Idea status: completed


Ronny, 18.01.2013, 20:45
I can't find the wat to create this hierarchy...
vofka, 19.01.2013, 00:07
When inside a particular to-do list, swipe a to-do left or right to define hierarchy.

Also, please take a look at the app's section Settings > Tips and Tricks. It describes various tweaks you can do with the app, including how to manage hierarchy.

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