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Have finished items drop off automatically

Use case: grocery list. Walking through the supermarket I tick of the stuff I got in my basket. Currently they stay in my list and they are only moved to the bottom when I shake my device.

However shaking the device also resets the sort order, which for me is rather unwanted since I sort the stuff in the order they are stacked in the shop. In other words: in the shop I first pass the bread department, so I have bread at the top of the list and so on.

I would like to be able to specify a "drop to bottom when finished" option for each of the lists. This should keep my precious sort order the way it is.

Jord , 21.04.2012, 13:11
Idea status: under consideration


Zachary Knight, 15.04.2013, 00:29
Yes, good idea. But I'd prefer the option to just auto hide checked items! (Maybe they turn into a thin placeholder line to indicate they exist, but out of sight and reduce scrolling)

So you would check your bread item, it would become checked AND disappear from view (or shrink to thin line). No re-ordering at all and no clutter! Then at any point you could choose an "unhide checked items" button if you wanted to review...or "uncheck all" button to reset the list (and unhide all) at any time, whether complete or not.

Now that's a robust, reusable list! For the grocery example... You can start with a full list, check (hide) things you aren't going to get this time around, do your shopping and check off as you go, and then afterward reset the list to adapt to the next time...all without ever re-typing any common items or altering the order.

I'm sure this could be excellent for any list that is used repeatedly (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc)... business actions, exercise routine, housework, etc.
iByron, 05.10.2015, 22:29
I like both ideas. An option to swith either way would be nice.

The direction in which most task list/todo apps are going is a three way approach. swipe right to complete, swipe left do save for later, and of course do nothing to leave as needing attention now.

It would be much more intuitive given the frequency of this model. As for current swipe to change hierarchy, that should be moved to edit mode anyway. A change of hierarchy is organizing the list, not manipulating the list item.

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