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Use geofencing for location-based alerts.

The newer geofence feature for iOs seems less intrusive and is supposed to use less battery. Also-- the location feature seems to on persistently even if there's no location reminder set. AND it's not possible to turn off a location for a task once one is set.

User765 , 19.04.2012, 16:22
Idea status: under consideration


fiskgermany, 07.01.2013, 08:54
This just partly right, I discovered a way turn off the location once it is set.
If you gon into the map screen and then tap onto the blue right headed arrow beneath the location's name, you will notice a button on the bottom of the appearing sccren saying "delete location".
This will in case delete the location of the set task, but instead NOT turn of the location service.
You have to turn it off manually via Settings > Privacy > Location.

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